The Yukon Warbler is the newsletter of the Yukon Bird Club, published twice per year (spring and fall). Members may elect to receive a paper copy by mail or an electronic copy by email. Of course it will also be available right here!
(you can download this document using the “download pdf” button at the bottom of the window)
Warbler 2024 Spring
Litter Pickup at the Quartz Road Marsh
2024 Birdathon – Get those binoculars ready!
Red Crossbills in Pineridge – An update
Field Trips & Events 2024
Winter Potluck Event
Borneo: Land of Pheasants, Pittas and Orangutans
Isabelle Theriault receives the Yukon Bird Club Conservation Scholarship
Yukon Bird Club’s Raven Award 2024
What kind of Spring are we Having (so far…)?
Carcross Christmas Bird Count Trend-Through-Time
Springtime Crossword Puzzle
Warbler 2023 Winter
Bird Friendly Cities program for Whitehorse
Christmas Bird Count Schedule
Yukon Christmas Bird Counts 2022
Report: 2023 Helmut Grünberg Yukon Birdathon, May 26-27, 2023
Winter Birding with Lauren Ryder
An Exciting Year of Birding in Mayo
Changes to Yukon Bird Names?
Red Crossbill and Bohemian Waxwing Colouring Sheets
Spring Clean-Up
at the Quartz Road Marsh
Wintertime Crossword Puzzle
Warbler 2023 Spring
Yukon Bird Club Celebrates 30 Years with a New Logo
Ode to the Surfbird
Spring Walks with Yukon Wildlife Viewing
YBC Field Trips and Events 2023
2023 Birdathon – Mark Your Calendars (Feature Birder Alex Oberg)
The Barn Swallow, Bank Swallow and Rusty Blackbird in Yukon’s Agricultural Landscape
Marsh Lake CBC Trend-Through-Time
Enticing Chickadees
Spring Crossword Puzzle
Warbler 2022 Winter
Birding with Catherine Miller
Christmas Bird Count Results 2021
Results from 2022 Global Big Day
Rare Birds of Rainbow St Haines Junction
Report: 2022 Helmut Grünberg Yukon Birdathon
Birding with Kim Selbee
Warbler 2022 Spring
Upcoming 37th Annual Helmut Grünberg Yukon Birdathon, 2022 Feature Birder – Lena Ware, Birding with Ione Christensen, Field Trips & Events – 2022, Story of a Hawfinch, Haines Junction Christmas Bird Count
Trend-Through-Time, January Cold Snap Tests our Winter Birds, How to participate in Global Big Day – May 14th,
Bird lighting strikes twice in the Yukon,
Wintertime Bird Crossword,
Yukon Warbler back issues online!
Warbler 2021 Winter
Winter Bird Feeding, Bird Feeders: Squirrel Proof or Squirrel Resistant?, Yukon Territory’s Christmas Bird Counts 2020, Birding with Steve Wilson, Birding with
Jeremy Baumbach and Yvette Lepage, Dan Kemble – he wasn’t just about the birds, The Swirling, Whirling Bohemian Waxwing Show, Helmut Grünberg Yukon Birdathon 2021, Birding with Kim Selbee, Wintertime Bird Crossword, Yukon Warbler back issues online!
Warbler 2021 Spring
Birdathon, Birding with Kim Selbee, Wintering Trumpeter Swans: Where and Why,YBC Field Trips and Events – 2021, Mount Mac Spruce Grouse Adventure, Red Crossbills: Crazy or Just Weird?, Birdsong for Beginners, Whitehorse Christmas Bird Count Trend Through Time, Ingrid Janzen and Elise Brown-Dussault win the YBC Student Award, Springtime Bird Crossword, Yukon Warbler Backissues online!
Warbler 2020 Fall
Holiday Message, Birding during 2020, Woodpeckers and Trees, New Bird(er) Alert, Birding with Kim Selbee, Wetlands are Vital for Yukon’s Birds and Much More, Remembering Gerry Whitley, Gerry Whitley: Friend of Swans and the Southern Lakes, eBirding with Kim Selbee, Summary of Yukon’s Christmas Bird Counts 2019, Yukon Christmas Bird Counts 2020, Steller’s Jay Invasion 2020, Colouring Sheets by Taylor Belansky, Wintertime Bird Crossword
Warbler 2020 Spring
Birding in our COVID-19 World, Cliff Swallows and Us, Community Owl Challenge, Helmut Grunberg Yukon Birdathon 2020, Snow Bunting Migration in Haines Junction, Winter Tree Cavity Use by Northern Birds, Christmas Bird Counts Summary 2018, Birding with Al Cushing, Taylor Belansky Wins YBC Student Award
Warbler 2019 Fall
25 Years of the Yukon Bird Club, Great Black-backed Gull visits the Yukon, Birding with Kim Selbee, Field Trip Report 2019, 2019 Helmut Grünberg Yukon Birdathon, Birding on Social Media, My Introduction to Yukon Birds, Christmas Bird Counts 2019
Warbler 2018 Fall
Sightings spring 2016-spring 2017, Sightings summer-fall 2016, YBC’s first scholarship recipient, 33rd Birdathon a fun affair, Chimney vs. Flicker, Kestrel Nest Box Program, Spruce Grouse encounters on the trail, thanks for the birding workshop, Why the Canada Jay for National Bird, Yukon Christmas Bird Counts 2017
Warbler 2018 Spring
Sightings Report Winter 2015/2016, Thousands of cranes seen at Faro Sheep and Crane Festival, Environmental birding an adventure, Field Trips and Events 2018, Protection of migratory birds, Summer Neighbours, Seagull Island, Snow buntings appear in large numbers, 2017 Raven Award Winners, Birdmania brings a fascinating history to life
Warbler 2017 Fall
Yukon Bird Sightings Fall 2015, Yukon Territory’s Christmas Bird Counts 2016, 2017 Helmut Grünberg Yukon Birdathon
Warbler 2017 Spring
Tracking Sensitive Yukon Bird Species, Boreal Owl hit a window, 2016 Raven Award – Devon Yacura, Swan Haven – Southern Yukon’s Spring Migration Gem, Ode to a dove, Granson can speak Chickadee, Feild trips galore -v new locations added, Bench for birders in Helmut’s honour, Why the Canada Jay for National Bird
Warbler 2016 Fall
Spring-summer 2015 Yukon Sightings, Fun at the feeder, Feature birder Jenny Trapnell, Yukon’s Christmas Bird Counts 2015, Christmas bird count schedule 2016
Warbler 2016 Spring
Yukon Sightings-winter 2014-15, Cassin’s Finch sighting a Yukon First, Exploring the Yukon wilds with a Biodiversity Assistant job, Birding Events, Dawson City birding highlights, Long Point trip an amazing experience for young birder
Warbler 2015 Fall
Yukon Sightings-Summer 2014 and Fall 2014, Finally – Boreal Owls in our nest box, Snow birds in July, Down the Gullet!, 2015 Helmut Grünberg Yukon Birdathon, Trumpeters nest at wildlife preserve, Yukon’s Christmas Bird Counts 2014, Raven award presented
Warbler 2015 Spring
Birding talks with Ione, Second annual Rusty Blackbird migration blitz underway, Spring birds report 2014, Birding community mourns Yukon conservationist Helmut Grünberg, Birding at an early age, a three-count Christmas
Warbler 2014 Fall
Raven award winners, Observations from the field summer-fall 2013 and winter 2013/14, Help research chickadee populations in Yukon, Christmas Bird Counts 2013
Warbler 2014 Spring
Blackbird Blitz, Spring Sightings 2013, Window collisions kill millions of birds, Event coordinator report, Trip of a lifetime to the Antarctic, Scientist monitors sewage lagoon for chemicals, The artistry of Keith Williams
Warbler 2013 Fall
2013 Christmas Bird Count Schedule, Yukon Christmas Bird Count Summary 2012, Summertime Presentations, Sanhill Cranes – up Close and Personal, 2013 Yukon Birdathon report, Will-Will-Willet!, Birding in Nicaragua, Nasty Brutish and Short, Bird-Window Collisions, Doug Tarry Young Ornithologist Workshop, Sightings-Fall 2012 and Winder 2012/2013
Warbler 2013 Spring
Heading South this Winter, YBC since ’93, Lifetime Membership and Raven Awards, 2012 Christmas Bird Count Stories, Sightings Report Summer 2012, The Great Animal Orchestra Reviewed
Warbler 2012 Fall
Club Raises Visibility in the Community, North American Ornithological Congress V, Dusky Grouse Hike, Recap of this Season’s Field Trips, 2012 Birdathon Report, Birdathon Weekend, Sightings Report Winter 2011-2012 and Spring 2012, Yukon Bird Observatory Updates Spring 2012
Warbler 2012 Spring
2012 Raven Award, Field Trip Schedule 2012, 2012 Birdathon, Yukon Christmas Bird Count Summary 2011, 2012 Duck Box Project at the Whitehorse Sewage Lagoon, McIntyre Creek Bird Values, Observations from the field Summer and Fall 2011
Warbler 2011 Fall
2011 Christmas Bird Count Schedule, 2010 Yukon Christmas Bird Count Summary, Sightings report Winter 2010/2011 and Spring 2011, Albert Creek Bird Observatory Spring 2011 Report, Birds of Canada book review.
Warbler 2011 Spring
2011 Field Trip Schedule, Sightings Report – Summer and Fall 2010, Photos from contributors, Teslin Lake Bird Observatory Fall 2010 Report, Albert Creek Bird Observatory Fall report, Bird ID challenge
Warbler 2010 Fall
Warbler 2010 Spring
2010 Field Trip Schedule, From the Archives, Sightings Report Summer and Fall 2009, Whitehorse Sewage Lagoon Project, Your Pictures, Teslin Lake Bird Observatory Fall 2009 Report, Albert Creek Bird Observatory Fall 2009 Report, Birding in Maui
Warbler 2009 Fall
Christmas Bird Count Schedules, 2009 Birdathon Summary, Sightings Report Winter 2008/2009 and Spring 2009, Snowy Owl Tracking in the North, Your Pictures, MacIntyre Marsh Spring 2009 Banding Report, Albert Creek Bird Banding Observatory Spring 2009 Report, Birds Afield (Jamaica and South Africa), Bird Identification Challenge
Warbler 2009 Spring
Annual General Meeting Report, Upcoming events, 2008 Birdathon Summary, History of the Yukon Birdathon, 2009 Field Trip Schedule, Yukon Bird Observatories Projects, New Titles at the Whitehorse Public Library, 2008 Christmas Bird Count Summaries, Sightings Report Summer and Fall 2008, Tombstone Park Birds, Your Pictures, Yukon Doves, Interesting Sightings and Accounts, Yukon Bird Observatories Fall 2008 Updates, Bird Identification Challenge
Warbler 2008 Fall
Brush Clearing Agreement, Upcoming Events, Winter Birding Opportunities, Christmas Bird Count Schedule 2007, Sightings Reports Fall 2007, Winter 2007/2008, and Spring 2008; Your Pictures, Swallow Swarm, Impact of Predation by Domestic Cats on Bird Populations, Yukon Bird Observatory Updates Spring and Fall 2008, Panama Birding Adventure, Alaska Birding Trip, Bird Identification Challenge
Warbler 2008 Spring
AGM Report, Observations from the field Summer 2007, New Titles at Whitehorse Public Library, Birds and Planes, Your Pictures, Trip Report from Dempster Highway and Arctic Coast, Coastal Sailing and Birding in Southeast Alaska
Warbler 2007 Fall
Christmas Bird Count Schedule 2007, Observations from the Field Winter 2006/2007 and Spring 2007, Support the Fossil-fuel free Bird Year!, Bird Banding at the Albert Creek Banding Station Spring and Fall 2007, Bird Banding at the Teslin Lake Banding Station Spring 2007
Warbler 2007 Spring
Changes in YBC Executive, Pelicans in Carcross, Boothroyd Madsen Family Embark on Big Year, Observations from the Field Summer and Fall 2006, (includes Southern Yukon Steller’s Jay Invasion), Beginner’s Guide to Recording Bird Song, 2007 Birdathon a Success, Judas Creek Field Trip Report
Warbler 2006 Fall
Looking for Colour-banded Birds, Shorebird Fallout at Judas Creek 2006, Steller’s Jay Invasion 2006, Albert Creek Bird Banding 2006, Teslin Lake Bird Banding 2006, Observations from the field Winter 2005/2006 and Spring 2006, Bird Name Changes, Long-eared Owl nest at Sulphur Lake
Warbler 2006 Spring
Warbler 2005 Fall
Warbler 2005 Spring
Warbler 2004 Fall
Albert Creek’s Birding Revolution, A Spring at Albert Creek, Albert Creek Banding Station Report 2004, Observations from the Field Spring and Summer 2004, Summer at Herschel Island
Warbler 2004 Spring
Field Trip Schedule 2004, President’s message and AGM Report, Birder’s Exchange Equipment Drive, Birding Flashback ’03, Black Terns at Blind Lake 2003, Birds of Spring, Yukon Rock Dove Decline, Yukon Christmas Bird Count Reports 2003/04, First Nation Mythology and Creation Stories, Canada’s first Bluethroat nest and other noteworthy sightings from Ivvavik National Park Yukon, Birding among Bluethroats, Observations from the Field Fall 2003 and Winter 2003/04
Warbler 2003 Fall
Yukon Christmas Bird Count Schedule 2003, Yukon Birdathon 2003, Marsh Lake Field Trip Report 12 October 2003, Albert Creek Banding Station Report 2003, A visit to the Albert Creek Banding Station, The Yukon’s Magnificent Wetlands, Three extralimital Yukon records of Black-and-white Warbler in 2003, Canada Goose with a white forehead at Nares Lake Yukon, Sharp-tailed Grouse a Yukon road-side attraction, Observations from the field Spring and Summer 2003
Warbler 2003 Spring
Field Trip Schedule 2003, YBC Annual General Meeting 2003, Skagway Bird Club Established, Yukon Protected Areas Strategy, Yukon 2002 Christmas Bird Count Reports, Siberian Blue Robin in Dawson City a first for mainland North America, Siberian Blue Robin follow-up, Notes on a dark Tree Swallow at Marsh Lake Yukon, a White Downy Woodpecker at Haines Junction, Rare Gulls in Inuvik NWT, Observations from the field Fall 2002 and Winter 2002/2003, Four-letter codes for Yukon Bird Species
Warbler 2002 Fall
Fall Field Trips and events schedule 2002, News and Notes, Cliff Swallow nest project, Spring 2002 Field Trip Reports, Albert Creek Banding Station Report Spring 2002, Yukon Birdathon 2002 Feature Birder’s Report, Two great places to add to your Yukon birding travels, Observations from the field Winter 2001/2002 Spring 2002 and Summer 2002
Warbler 2002 Spring
Field Trips and Events Schedule Spring 2002, Yukon Bird Club Supports Community Projects: Haines Junction Cliff Swallow Nesting Sites Project, Southeast Yukon Songbird Migration Monitoring Station, Bird Banding and Monitoring at Watson Lake. A Great Egret touches down in central Yukon, Interim report on the Birds of Vuntut National Park October 2001, Bird Sightings and Breeding Records from Vuntut National Park and Surrounding areas 1997-2001, Observations from the field Summer and Fall 2001
Warbler 2001 Fall
Warbler 2001 Spring
Warbler 2000 Winter
From the Editor, the Yukon’s First Black-Headed Grosbeak, Yukon Birdathon: Feature Family Report, Spring Migration in the Yukon, Great Horned Owls in Teslin, A notable movement of Godwits in the Whitehorse Area Spring 1999, Yukon Gullery 2001, Slaty-backed Gull in Whitehorse Yukon, Bean Goose a Yukon first at Whitehorse, Ivory Gull a southern Yukon First at Tagish Narrows, The Yukon’s first Pacific Golden Plover at Lewes Marsh, Red-throated Pipit a highlight of fall migration in Whitehorse Yukon, Dusky Thrush a Yukon First at Whitehorse
Warbler 2000 Spring
Warbler 1999 Fall
Warbler 1999 Spring
Warbler 1998 Fall
Winter Field Trips and Events, Christmas Bird Counts 1997 Update, YBC Bylaw Amendments, Yukon Birdathon 1998 Report, Spring and Summer Field Trip Reports, Oregon Junco Winters in Whitehorse, Snowy Plover touches down at Judas Creek, 1998 Yukon Amphibian Report, Known range of Dusky Flycatcher extended northeast to the Kotaneelee Range Yukon, Song Sparrow at Little Atlin Lake, Ring-billed and California Gulls visit Whitehorse Spring 1998, Red Crossbill wing bars, Observations from the Field Spring and Summer 1998, Glaucous-winged Gull versus Thayer’s Gull, Changing times for Whitehorse Rock Doves, The Shipyards Crow
Warbler 1998 Spring
1998 Field Trips and Events, Threat Continues for Ear Lake, Winter Field Trip Reports, Yukon Christmas Bird Count Reports 1997/98, New Report focusses on Liard’s birdlife and habitat loss, The Vistior: My Encounter with a Boreal Owl, A late fall Yellow-rumped Warbler lingers at Horse Creek, Mew Gull a familiar summer breeder, Observations from the field Winter 1997/98
Warbler 1997 Winter
Winter 1997/98 Field Trips and Events, Birdathon Report 1997, Fall Field Trip Reports, A visitor from Ecuador, 1997 birdathon Feature Birder’s Report, YBC 1997 AGM Report, Frog Wild: the varied lives of Yukon amphibians, Amphibian Art, Songbird reconnaissance of selected sites in Southeast Yukon 1996, A Whooper for my life list and other birding tales from Land of the Living Skies, Birding images from Saskatchewan, Fall Migration at Nisutlin Delta – highlights from 1997, Nistulin Delta: A Learner’s Perspective, Fall birding on the Yukon’s North Coast, Destination: The Yukon’s North Coast, Tundra Swan Migration, Observations from the Field Fall 1997
Warbler 1997 Spring
Spring and Summer Field Trips, birding Access to Icy Waters Fish Farm, Birdathon Committee adopts a team approach, Swans gain and unobstructed fly-thru at Tagish Narrows, Clean feeders for the birds! High Densities of Three-toed Woodpeckers near Kluane Lake southwest Yukon, Winter field Trip Reports, Swallows: Clues to indentifying those colourful birds which fly so fast and eat so many mosquitoes, Christmas Bird Count Reports 1996/97, Watson Lake’s Evening Grosbeaks, North American Migratory Bird Count Report May 11 1996, Bird Identification, Observations from the Field Winter 1996/97
Warbler 1996 Winter
Winter Events and Field Trips, 1996 AGM report, Thanks Rene, Call for Field Trip Leaders, Fall Field Trip Highlights, Identifying birds by their behavior, Sabine’s Gull a southern Yukon first at Nisutlin Delta, Fall migration at Nisutlin Delta, Wood Sandpiper a Yukon First at Herschel Island, Images from Herschel Island, The seabirds of Prince William Sound Alaska: Life after Exxon Valdez, Yukon Gullery, Observations from the field Fall 1996
Warbler 1996 Fall
Fall Field Trips, Birdathon 1996 Report, Feature Birder’s Birdathon Report, Spring and Summer 1996 field trip highlights, Introducing YBC’s Breeding Bird Cards, Western Kingbird, Birding out of context, Blind Lake’s Black Terns, Beyond Breeding Plumage, Black-legged Kittiwake: a southern Yukon first at Judas Creek, Observations from the Field Spring and Summer 1996
Warbler 1996 Spring
Spring Field Trips and Events, International Migratory Bird Day, YBC website, McIntyre Wetlands Update, Winter Field Trip Highlights, Yukon Christmas Bird Count Reports 1995/96, Using Plumage to Identify Birds, Birder’s Journal: a meeting place for Canadian Birders, May Birding on the Dempster Highway, Nesting Surfbirds a Yukon Specialty, Glaucous-winged Gull a rare spring visitor, Three Little Thrushes, Why Birding Ethics, Observations from the Field Winter 1995/1996, Eve Overwinters
Warbler 1995 Winter
Winter Field Trips and Events, AGM marks change, Ski Club thanks YBC, Cranes above the Pelly, Act Now! Residential development threatens McIntyre Creek wetlands, Fall Field Trip Highlights, Song dialects in Golden-crowned Sparrows, Learning more from Silhouette, The Bluethroats of my Dreams, Home of the Bluethroat, Birding in Canada’s Deep South, California Gulls visit Whitehorse, A bird finder’s word finder, Yukon Birdlife Project promotes Birding, Observations from the Field Fall 1995
Warbler 1995 Fall
Fall Field Trips and Events, 1995 AGM, Summer Field Trip Reports, YBC gains charitable status, YBC Awarded Environmental Grant, Using Silhouette to Identify Birds, Cedar Waxwings Invade Southern Yukon, Judas Creek’s Red Knot a First for Southern Yukon, La Biche River a True Yukon Treasuer, A Virtual Birdathon, The Phoebes – where East meets West, 20th Centurey Birder’s Puzzle, The Art and Pleasure of Yard Birding, Yukon Gullery Thayer’s Gull, Observations from the Field Spring and Summer 1995
Warbler 1995 Summer
Wetlands of Whitehorse, Summer Field Trips and Events, 1995 Birdathon a Soaring Success!, Spring Field Trip Reports, Observations from the Field Spring 1995
Warbler 1995 Spring
Spring Field Trips and Events, Winter Field Trip Reports, Celebration of Swans 1995, Catch the Bird-a-Thon Spirit!, Trumpeter Swan Cygnets Rebound in 1994, The Yukon’s Little-known Rosy Finch, Watson Lake a Gateway to Eastern Songbirds, Christmas Bird Count Reports for 1994/95, White-crowned and Golden-crowned Sparrows, The Yukon’s First Wintering Barrow’s Goldeneye, Add your Sightings to Yukon Bird Club’s FieldNotes, A new Bird Checklist for the Northwest Territories, Observations from the Field Winter 1994/95
Warbler 1994 Winter
Winter Field Trips and Events, Fall Field Trip Reports, A checklist of the Birds of Whitehorse, Christmas Bird Counts: Winter Birding at its Best!! Report on YBC’s Annual General Meeting, Amendments to YBC Constitution, A Yukon Birder’s Word Puzzle, Discovering Swan Lake’s Birding Treasures, Little Brown Bird #4: The Chickadees, Great Birding Moments: A Yukon First on Herschel Island (Ross’s Gull), Not the Loch Ness Monster, Never Duck and Identification Challenge, Putting the Yukon on the MAPS, Not the Loch Ness Monster Part II, Observations from the Field Fall 1994
Warbler 1994 Fall
Fall Field Trips and Events, 1994 Annual General Meeting, A new Yukon Bird Book: Birds of Swan Lake Yukon, 1994 Yukon Bird-a-thon Brings Birders Together, Takhini Elementary does their B.I.T. for Birds!, Lark Sparrow visits the Yukon, Yukon Birder’s Crossword, Birding in the Bering, Focus on the Siberian Tit, Observations from the Field Spring and Summer 1994, Whitehorse Checklist Project Update
Warbler 1994 Spring
Spring Field Trip Schedule, Winter Field Trips Report, Yukon’s First Annual Swan Celebration!, Bird-a-thon, Volunteer opportunities for Yukon Birders, Focus on the Arctic Tern, Observations from the Field Winter 1993/1994, Birder’s Crossword, 1993/1994 Yukon Christmas Bird Counts Report, Little Brown Bird No. 3: Song Sparrow, A Yukon Birder’s Adventures on the BBS Trail
Warbler 1993 Winter
Winter Field Trips and Events Schedule, Yukon’s Christmas Bird Counts!!, Fall Field Trips Report, Report on the 1993 Annual General Meeting, Birder’s Crossword Puzzle, Focus on the Three-toed Woodpecker, Observations from the Field Fall 1993, Birds and Bird Feeders, The Birds of Yukon Project, Little Brown Bird No. 2: The Chipping Sparrow, Birder’s Classifieds
Warbler 1993 Fall
Fall Field Trip Schedule, Yukon Bird Club’s Annual General Meeting, Summer 1993 Field Trips Report, Focus on: The Bohemian Waxwing, Observations from the Field Summer 1993, Migration Monitoring in Whitehorse: A Closer Look at Songbirds, Little Brown Bird No. 1: The Dark-eyed Junco, Trumpeter Swan News, Yukon Bird Club News
Warbler 1993 Summer
Summer Field Trip Schedule, Spring Field Trips Report, Focus on: The Timberline Sparrow, Observations from the Field Spring 1993, A Backyard for the Birds, Yukon’s Boreal Owls, A Birder’s Bookshelf, 1993 Birdathon Report, Notes on Naming the Newsletter
Warbler 1993 Spring
Welcome to the Yukon Bird Club! Field Trip Schedule, Spring Swans in the Southern Yukon, A Name for the Newsletter, Focus on: The American Dipper, Birding in Yukon’s Communities, Feeder Watcher’s Report, Particpate in the Bird-a-Thon!, Spring Alert, Yukon Bird Club Classifieds, Yukon Bird Club Constitution