The 2022 Whitehorse Christmas Bird Count was very successful in spite of the weather being a tad windy and cold. There were 44 participants, including 28 different parties and 11 feeder-watchers. All told, participants counted 6,822 birds of 28 species — compared with 4,162 birds of 24 species last year (the long-term average is 25 species). After a very warm fall season, the Boxing Day count was preceded by a week of brutal cold, including 20 December when the mercury dropped to -42.1 C and topped out at -36.1. Quite a few oddball birds that normally winter south of here were hanging around prior to that and there was considerable speculation about their ability to survive that kind of deep freeze. However, on count day we discovered a lot of them had done pretty well: We had all-time high counts for 9 species (American Wigeon, Common Goldeneye, American Crow, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Bohemian Waxwing, American Tree Sparrow, Dark-eyed Junco, White-Crowned Sparrow, and Purple Finch). People were delighted to have thousands of Bohemian Waxwings around through the Christmas holidays — quite a contrast to last year’s count when we were totally stumped! Not only were we awash in Bohemian Waxwings (almost double the previous record of 2,033 set in 2016), but for the first time ever they outnumbered our perennial winter resident Common Ravens! Thanks to everyone who participated in this year’s count!

Here’s the list:
- American Wigeon 1
- Mallard 63
- Common Goldeneye 5
- Common Merganser 1
- Spruce Grouse 3
- Northern Goshawk 1
- Bald Eagle 51
- Downy Woodpecker 6
- Hairy Woodpecker 6
- Canada Jay 11
- Black-billed Magpie 56
- American Crow 6
- Common Raven 1757
- Black-capped Chickadee 101
- Boreal Chickadee 16
- Red-breasted Nuthatch 9
- American Dipper 5
- American Robin 7
- Bohemian Waxwing 4032
- Dark-eyed Junco 40 (Slate coloured 39, Oregon 1)
- American Tree Sparrow 1
- White-crowned Sparrow 4
- Pine Grosbeak 88
- Purple Finch 10
- Red Crossbill 21
- White-winged Crossbill 186
- crossbill sp. 49
- Common Redpoll 74
- finch sp. 60
- House Sparrow 152
Total Individuals 6822
Total Species Reported 28
Tracy Allard, Jeremy Baumbach, Carrie Boles, Selena Boothroyd, Diane Brent, Cindy Breitkreutz, Laurie Brochu, Linda Cameron, Syd Cannings, Paul Davis, Marianne Douglas, Gabrielle Dupont, Cameron Eckert, Alison Eremenko, Timothy Giilck, Jim Hawkings, Melody Hazel, Christine Hedgecock, Ed Jenni, Carole Kroening, Yvette LePage, Maria Leung, Elise Maltinsky, Meghan Marjanovic, Logan McLeod, Karen McKenna, Dave Mossop, Marty Mossop, Wendy Nixon, Adam Perrier, Don Reid, Claudia Riveros, Bob Sagar, Mike Setterington, Pam Sinclair, Becky Striegler, Jenny Trapnell, Jim Tredger, Lena Ware, Ryleigh Whitfield, Keith Williams, Scott Williams, Caitlin Willier
Here’s a more complete report for those who like details….