YBC is a registered Canadian charitable non-profit organization.
Our mission is to:
- promote awareness, appreciation of Yukon birds and their habitats.
- act as an advocate for bird conservation.
- encourage and involve youth.
- operate on a non-profit basis
We are based in Whitehorse, Yukon, but have members from many communities throughout Yukon as well as some from further afield.
In carrying out its mandate the Yukon Bird Club acknowledges that it operates within the traditional territories of Yukon First Nations, Inuvialuit, and other indigenous peoples.
The Yukon Bird Club affirms its respect for indigenous peoples and their fundamental relationship with the land and wildlife; and seeks to inspire and include the full diversity of our Yukon community.
Like us on Facebook for updates and field trip reminders.
There is also a group on Facebook to discuss Yukon birds.
Yukon Bird Club Code of Ethics
YBC member Devon Yacura conducted an assessment of pharmaceutical and personal care products (PPCPs) – a first for Yukon wastewater treatment plants. He sampled water, sludge, aquatic invertebrates and algae to find out what chemicals were present, when they were present, and how they were absorbed into the environment.

Shyloh van Delft had the trip of a lifetime to the Antarctic with Students on Ice. YBC helped her application by providing sponsorship, letters of recommendation, and other support.

Jim Hawkings spent decades studying migratory birds in Yukon and hosts a popular Q&A about Tundra Swans at Swan Haven every year. Pro tip: visit Swan Haven at 5 pm for best viewing light.

Jim Hawkings photo. Participants in the Judas Creek field trip on 21 May 2015 were treated to a smorgasbord of shorebirds and waterfowl at the mouth of Judas Creek. Note the clever mix of warmish upper layers and summer footwear. The weather on the beach was fabulous this year – meaning people stayed until they had seen enough rather than staying until they were frozen too much by the cold wind off the ice.