You can now join the Yukon Bird Club or renew your membership online thanks to our non-profit charity partner
You can also donate to the club here, including for the Helmut Grünberg Yukon Birdathon.
The button below will take you to our secure membership/donation page at When you are finished you will be returned to this page.
For memberships you may want to have our membership form (below) handy to help you fill out the online membership information.
NOTE: We have received a number of anonymous donations in the past couple of years. This is fine, but if you are joining the club or renewing your membership online via Canadahelps, and you check the box “make my donation anonymous”, or don’t provide any contact information, we have no way to determine whose membership we are dealing with! Please contact us if you have paid for a membership this way recently and suspect we have lost track of you.
You can also print the membership form below and mail with your payment.